dinsdag 21 december 2010


Oke, I'm going to try something new today: Writing my blog in English so my lovely followers can read them too! I'm sorry if it's difficult to follow, but my English is just a mess.. Haha, hope you like it (:

I really really want to see that movie! The story goes about a girl who works in a cafe to forget her past. The main character is Christina Aguilera. She's such a beautiful women and a great singer, so it must be a nice movie. This vacation is the perfect time to go and see it with my best friends. Hope they want to go with me(:

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Your English is good! I want to see this film too but my friends think it looks bad! :(

  2. superleuke blog !
    ik wil ook altijd nog naar Burlesque <3
